Competition in open procedure | 2023 | Client: Municipality Mörschwil

The new building volume is strategically positioned to define clear open spaces, framing both the northern arrival area and the southern garden and play area of the structure. An elegant formal "bent" in the design achieves two objectives: it creates a generous sense of open space diagonally from the north, while also embracing the southern play area in a warm, inviting gesture. At the heart of this arrangement lies a central junction that seamlessly connects the two wings of the building, serving as both an entry point and a communal indoor play area. The exterior area is set one level below, giving the impression of a three-story structure as it faces the lush southern garden. Just like the formal bent, the roof features a distinctive overhang, evoking a feeling of tranquility and shelter.

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Team KCA: Cihan Kuyucu, Stéphane Chau, Maurin Elmer, Tino Crameri, Lars Rumpel
Landscape: Michel Frey Landschaftsarchitekten
Visualization: KCA